It all started with an ad in a Persian magazine for a workshop Avisa tells us:
Soon after that, I became a client, and it was where I would go to for answers to any questions or any concerns that I had. I remember one day I wanted to register for a course at UBC. My background is as a medical researcher with a high education and high level of experience, but it was very challenging for me to find a job here so this course was very important for me. I remember, there was a deadline for it and there was zero hope for funding. But S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Immigrant Settlement & Integration Program in Burnaby did an amazing job helping me and when I left the room that day I was in tears from happiness. I could feel that I was one step closer to my goal in Canada so after that, I became a big fan of S.U.C.C.E.S.S.!
Another time, I learned about another program in which I learned about the benefits of volunteering in Canada. So I chose to do my volunteering at S.U.C.C.E.S.S. because for me, it was a great way to give back.
I learned a lot through volunteering here. I learned about Canadian workplace culture and how to work with people from different cultures. I found many amazing friends here and even learned about their traditions and their traditional foods. I may have never experienced this if I didn’t volunteer here.
Thank you Avisa for your participation and valuable contribution to our program!