Burnaby/New Westminster’s volunteer team was back again this year to contribute to & celebrate the Diwali festival at the Queensborough Community Centre in New Westminster! As newcomers, our group of volunteers experienced India’s largest and most important holiday of the year. Volunteers helped to support the event with their talents in emceeing the event, decorating, henna art and much more! Our team looked after many activities and areas including food and beverage, and kitchen duties. Volunteers made sure to keep the activity areas safe while helping participants engage in some fun and memorable experiences. Our team found this Diwali event to be a very fun, interactive and enjoyable experience.

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Here’s what one of our volunteer’s had to say about their experiences:

Mi: “I increased my own knowledge on community resources through volunteering and felt more connected and involved in the community.

Jenny: “I could get a taste of volunteering which suits my interests and skills. I also experienced the joy of volunteering. I networked with people who were looking for opportunities like me as a new immigrant”.